Once reliable you have done all you can do it's time to call in the professionals. Experts dealing with water damage restoration are equipped with the equipment, experience and knowledge to be able to spot problem areas and address them right away. You should get in touch with them and arrange a visit as soon as possible. Let them know if the water is still present and how much you have been able to do. That will allow them to fit you into their schedule should your situation be urgent. Clearing water quickly is important so that mold and spores do not have a chance to take root and begin growing. This mold can cause respiratory and other serious health problems.
There are two, one on each side of the toilet, closet bolts which hold the toilet to the floor. If there are caps over the bolts, remove or pop them open. Using a small crescent wrench unscrew the nuts from the bolts. Alternate side to side when unscrewing this will be much more important when reinstalling the water line repair bolts but alternate anyhow.

A c clamp or hose clamp is use full for securing or holding the rubber used to seal leaks on piping. However, a clamp should be used carefully considering the type of pipe being repaired, clamping too tight will fracture the pie leaving you with a bigger problem than you started off with.
Depending on your repair job you might need a bucket that will fit below the sink trap, as well as some rags and newspaper. Masking tape is useful for labeling and for wrapping around the heads of the wrench to protect your chrome tap handles. Rubber gloves are recommended, particularly when working with the toilet, but there are greases and glues that you may not want on your hands.
Keep an eye on any leaks in and around the house. Inspect taps, pipes and your roof regularly. Watch for leaks and if you find them, get it water line repair as soon as possible.
When doing the install on a water heater, keep an eye out for unconnected pipes. A commonly missed pipe is the one that leads out from the area for drainage. It is probably a recirculation pipe; that helps your water remain heated without wasting too much water.
Once you've located the water shut off, turn it off. Now, you can turn your attention to trying to contain the water damage caused by any leaking. Get towels, fans, blankets, or anything else to try and sop up water that is sitting on carpet or wood floors. Linoleum floors usually don't undergo much damage from having water sitting on them, unless there are cracks in the linoleum (often invisible) where the water can seep in. When your Queens plumber arrives, you will be one step ahead by following these instructions.